1972年チリ音楽祭をきっかけに、翌’73年シンガー・ソングライターとしてデビュー。以後作曲家としての活動を中心に作品を発表。洋楽的なポップス・センスをベースにしたメロディーやサウンドは、いち早く海外で高い評価を得て、UKポップ・ロックグループ、ジグソーに提供した「If I Have To Go Away」が全米チャート、UKチャートをはじめ欧米でヒット。その後舞台を日本に移し、’80年代の音楽シーンに数々のヒット曲を送り込む。
また、映画「ハチ公物語」「遠き落日」「釣りバカ日誌13」やTVドラマ「人生は上々だ」「ブランド」などの映画音楽、Jリーグ・清水エスパルス公式応援歌、国民体育大会「NEW!! わかふじ国体」など、テーマ音楽、イベント音楽の分野においても多数の作品を提供。近年はクラシック作品や邦楽曲などに取組み、その作曲活動も多岐にわたっている。
Profile of Tetsuji Hayashi
Winning the 1972 Chile Music Festival opened the door for his debut as a singer / songwriter the following year in 1973. Since then he has concentrated on hi work as a composer. His melodies and sound, based on western pop music, immediately received high levels of praise overseas. “If I Have To Go Away”, written for the British rock group, Jigsaw, became a hit in the west appearing on both the American and UK charts. After that, he moved his stage to Japan introducing numerous hit songs into the 80’s music scene.
Releasing over 1,500 songs including hit songs of Japan’s most popular pop singers including the singles, “September” by Mariya Takeuchi, “The Color of Melancholy” by Masaki Ueda, “I Can’t Stop the Loneliness” by Anri, “Never Ending Summer” by Kiyotaka Sugiyama and the Omega Tribe and “Beach Club Memories” by Junichi Inagaki, his music set the direction for today’s J-POP.
These hit songs led to his shining as the recipient of the Japan Record Grand Prix which is the equivalent of America’s Grammy Award, the Musical Composition Grand Prize, sponsored by the Japan Composer’s Association and numerous other awards. He also set the record for the most annual sales of single compositions.
Not only a pop song composer, he has done well composing orchestrated movie and TV music as well and has released numerous soundtrack albums. Some of his more famous works include the movies “Hachi-ko”, the original of the recent remake “Hachi: A Dog’s Story” starring Richard Gere and “Fishing Fool’s Diary 13” from the nationally acclaimed movie series, TV dramas receiving high viewer ratings such as “Life is Good”, “Brand” and many others. As a producer he has provided many songs in the area of theme music and event music including the official cheer song of Shimizu S-Pulse, the J League soccer team, “NEW!! Wakafuji National Sports Festival” for the National Sports Festival, etc.
In recent years he has begun to implement classical compositions and Japanese musical pieces and his composing activities with these is also becoming divergent.